The Three Generations of Thought (“systems” in neuroscience)

You might wonder what it has to do with plasma physics, machine building or process development? Well since the physics of 3 generations is found in every system and GP plasma is interested in solving complex customer challenges, we treat these problems as holistic 'Systems' and can use the 3 generations knowledge even in how we leverage our team work to solve a customer problems.

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Troy vom Braucke
Retrofitting and repurposing of a 15-year-old roll to roll coater

The GP Plasma team resurrected and reconditioned a 15-year-old roll to roll coater to deposit state of art coatings for the solar industry. It involved a complete system teardown, design and rebuild of magnetrons in-house, new pump system, updated automation and web interface, electrical and PLC, code and so on. We even designed and built a new metal foil web handling system

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Troy vom Braucke
What happens, when you give a small group of children the task to create music about something they have previously visualized?

Just think about a creative or research task you need to get done in your team, your company, your group of experts (each with different fields of expertise, of course). You have no idea how the solution to the task might look like, but you want to have an optimum working atmosphere in order to assure the perfect outcome in good time and with a minimum of recourses.

Wouldn’t it be great to know the general recipe for such an atmosphere… no matter the size of the team, the complexity of the problem, the boundary conditions, the budget and the human resources at hand?

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Troy vom Braucke
See where and why impact erosion failure occurs to speed up coating design - a 2nd step

Key Benefits:

  • Accelerate materials and process design with a focus on designing, measuring and validating mechanical properties improvements.

  • Allow users to see at what critical contact condition a design solution will fail, or what type of stress field, distortion, strain etc. is the dominant failure mode and this helps inform the designer of the type of material properties needed.

  • Materials data collected at appropriate measurement scales to inform realistic mechanical properties as the starting point in simulation, and for verification of design improvements.

  • Simulate fluid droplet and/or solid particle impact

  • Suitable for multi-layered materials design of any solid material and even for time-dependent viscoelastic polymers.

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Solid Particle and Droplet impact erosion - a 1st step

World first simulation of combined droplet and solid particle impact with inelastic deformation on materials with nanoscale property and stress-field capability. The computationally efficient approach leveraging 1st principles derivations from general relativity to quantum mechanics from a theory of everything approach - it starts with David Hilbert’s World Formula from 1915.

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New Research Toward Evolutionary Optimization of Complex Layered Materials Systems

Recent unexpected outcomes of our quantum-gravity material science research has lead to new generalized evolution equations entangled with thermodynamics. This provides options to develop layered materials and structures evolutionarily optimized against non-linear processes, for example against turbulences (applicable to hyper-sonics), impact and thermal creep effects. Further, our project developments in mathematical psychology will enrich future product designs with an end users psychology in the design optimization phase, and interestingly toward the potential applied use of ‘mass formation’ psychological phenomena in developing room temperature stable quantum coherent material structures.

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