God’s Programming Code
What does God's Code have to do with Plasma Physics?
A recent communication from our chief scientist came with a catchy title, “God’s Code” -see below. But interestingly, he later asked me if I saw the connection to plasma physics and thin film optimization. Well, one of the most valuable tech companies in the world had approached him to model the plasma deposition process and to understand the resultant deposited coating film properties. They were very interested to know if the complexity of the plasma could even be modelled?
The problem with any classical modeling approach is that different physics theories and models are cobbled together to try and describe what is going on. But this automatically includes the modeler’s bias of what they think should be included and what they leave out (unknowingly typically). Simulating Plasma is just like modelling the weather - very problematic. So what is the perfect solution?
It is one where you;
A) Don’t need to worry about all the different physics involved because you start at the most fundamental starting point, and
B) Can give the most basic description of the systems attributes, properties or degrees of freedom, these being dimensions. And write this in a very general code.
C) The model then comes out, or falls out, without being created by the modeler.
D) If you try to put bias in, it immediately detects and shows it as something wrong.
God’s programming language is such a solution. Get in touch if you want to know more or talk about applying it to your plasma optimization problem.
God’s Code
Taking the Quantum Gravity formulation of Everett’s multiverse theory, Norbert was able to show that this can provide the fundament for the most fundamental and universal computer code there can be. His son Julius suggested the name QuGraCC (Quantum Gravity Computer Code) for a corresponding general programming language. It would automatically create codes for quantum and gravity quantum computers.
Programming a universe (artist: Laura Kube)
[365] N. Schwarzer, “Spectral Ricci Operator Decomposition - A New Way to Derive the Dirac Equation?”, self-published, Amazon Digital Services, 2023, Kindle, ASIN:B0CCQ3PT6K
[367] N. Schwarzer, “God’s Programming Language - The Quantum Gravity Code for Everything”, self-published, Amazon Digital Services, 2023, Kindle, ASIN: B0CK2T9K83